Monday, January 7, 2008

Back to School!

Yea! History, Geography, Vocabulary, Math, Science, Grammar, Bible.... We're back at it today! (The boys didn't have the same reaction last night. Hmmmm...) I'm looking forward to getting back into a routine. That is, until Chris and I fly out to CA this Thursday. We are going out for an interview at Visalia First CRC and are praying for God's clear direction in this.

Finally took the tree down this weekend. Put away the Christmas stuff, pulled out my snowmen! I have way too many seasonal decorations! Thanks to the long snowy winters in MI, I can keep my snowmen up sometimes until March. Then it's time for the Easter 'stuff'.

What a great time of reunion and worship we had with dear friends at Forest Park yesterday. It was the first Sunday away from Maranatha and we've chosen to attend FPCC in the interim, especially for the boys. They LOVE it there and have several friends... It just feels like going home. We are grateful for loving friends and church family in Muskegon.

And we are looking forward to the future. Not sure what God will bring our way, but trusting in His perfect plan to use us in a new ministry somewhere... Could be in Visalia... We'll soon find out!

Tonight the boys are able to start going to Bible Study Fellowship with Chris. I'll be home with Lucy and my cup of tea... Call me and come join me!


Anonymous said...

Kristi & I are praying for you in this coming busy week.

Anonymous said...

Kristi & I will be praying for you in this busy week.